The Unknown Path

“You have never passed this way before.” Joshua 3:4

As we turn the page of the calendar and enter into a new year, I am reminded of the words of Joshua as he instructed the children of Israel before they crossed the Jordan River. He told them they were about to enter an unknown path, a path they had never walked.

Walking into a new year is similar to off-trail hiking,Continue reading →

Giving Or Exchanging

‘Tis the season!

Yes, it is, and everywhere I look I am reminded that Christmas can’t be far away. The beautifully decorated trees, the multicolored sparkling lights, the colorfully wrapped packages, all shout out that my shopping days are limited.

At some point in your life during the holiday season, perhaps, you have experienced something called a “gift exchange.” Continue reading →

Getting Past The Past

Have you ever made a decision that didn’t produce the outcome that you had desired? Have you ever made a choice that you still regret? Have you ever second-guessed, third or fourth-guessed yourself? Perhaps you made a choice that revealed unexpected results. Days, weeks, months, or even years later, you had the thought, “What if I had chosen something different? What if I had taken the other road?”Continue reading →