Gone Too Soon

There are times it seems like yesterday, but other times it seems so far away.  Five years ago, Vicki transitioned from this earthly home to her heavenly home.  And even after five years, it’s hard to explain, but emotions still run deep on October 7.  I will not pretend it has been an easy journey, but it has been a most educational process.  The things that God has taught me,Continue reading →

Essential or Nonessential

Recently, the words “essential” and “nonessential” have been circulating quite a bit, due to the pandemic and quarantine, we are currently facing.  You, or your job, have probably been placed in one of these categories.  What, exactly, does it mean for someone, or something to be labeled “essential” or “nonessential?”Continue reading →

When Your Detour Becomes Your Destiny – Part 2

If you haven’t had a chance to read Part 1 of “When Your Detour Becomes Your Destiny,” please take a couple of minutes and do so before reading Part 2.

Detours are never easy and rarely fun, but everyone encounters them at one time, or another.  As I began to reflect on detours, there were some things that stood out to me, and I wanted to share a little more detail on each of these.Continue reading →

When Your Detour Becomes Your Destiny

Here’s the scene:
It’s a beautiful morning.  The bluest sky and the brightest sun says this is going to be a great day.  You’ve carefully planned a special road trip. Luggage is stored in the rear.  Food and water are within reach.  GPS has plotted the quickest route.  Music is blaring and you are moving down the interstate on cruise-control with an ETA that is satisfactory to all.

Suddenly, with no warning, red taillights are brightly glaring in all lanes.Continue reading →

Thank You, Vicki

Four years ago, I started on a journey, that I had never known, and began a life that was completely out of my comfort zone.  To say that I was unprepared for this journey would be a gross understatement.  To discover feelings and emotions that I had only heard others talk about, has been most challenging, to say the least.Continue reading →

Finding Hope (Heaven) In The Hallway

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “When God closes one door, He’ll open another.  But it’s hell in the hallway.”

Everyone, at some point, will encounter a “hallway experience.”  What do you do when God has closed one door in your life, but another still hasn’t opened?  How do you find hope in the hallway?
How do you find heaven, instead of hell, in the hallway?Continue reading →