Celebrate The Baby Steps


For most of us, we don’t give it a second thought. If we decide we want to walk from one room to another, we simply get out of our chair and walk. And yet, for babies learning to walk, it’s a pretty big deal.

Those first steps, and it’s lights, camera, action!

We don’t wait until a child runs before we celebrate.

It’s just a step, but we celebrate like it’s a marathon.

We record them.
We applaud them.
We cheer them them on.
We document the date and time.
We post them on social media.
Yes, we celebrate those little steps.

When a child first begins to walk, we call them “toddlers.” And once you observe a toddler in action, you understand exactly why that is a perfect name.

From creeping and crawling, to scooting and rooting, to cruising and bruising — first steps can be quite scary!

Watching a toddler attempt to take a step is scary, for sure, but can be quite amusing.

Typically, a toddler will pull themselves up next to a chair, or small table — something they can lean on. Those shaky little legs totter from side to side, while those flailing little arms struggle to hold anything within reach. They carefully calculate and assess each move. Holding to a piece of furniture, a leg, a hand, or anything close by, they begin to try to maneuver from one spot to another. 

The parent, or someone nearby, will often take their hand, and attempt to secure them and lead them, while clearing the path, and removing any obstacles.

They toddle, they waddle.
They weeble, they wobble.
They teeter, they totter.
And, many, many, many times they topple.

And yet, as many times as they topple, they get up and try one more time.

I’ve never heard anyone say to a toddler, “Just sit down on the floor, and don’t worry about it. Maybe you weren’t meant to walk.”

No, but what I’ve heard many times is, “Come on, brush it off, get back up. Here, take my hand. You can do it.”

Sure, there are times they cry out in frustration, thinking this is never gonna work, but nonetheless, they struggle to upright themselves, and try, try, try again.

Day after day, one step at a time, they continue until one step becomes two, two steps become four, and before you know it, they’re not just walking, they’re running and jumping and doing what, a few short days ago, seemed impossible.

And yet, later as we grow into adults, something shifts. Our mind begins to process differently.

In our own lives, we rarely celebrate our small steps toward a goal, or a dream, or a project, opting to wait for the finished product, while continually criticizing ourselves all along the way. Beating ourselves down because it’s taking too long, or some other excuse we use to justify our delay. We abuse ourselves with thoughts and words if we don’t accomplish our goals in the time we felt we should.

Don’t criticize what God celebrates!

It’s not about procrastination, or continually putting off what needs to be done. This is about making small, dedicated, consistent inroads toward a desired goal.

Perhaps you have a large task you’ve been working on for months, or it might be a small project that you continually put off. Maybe, it’s a big dream you’ve had since high school — a God dream that’s bigger than you are. You’ve tried and tried, but you keep tripping and falling, so now you’ve just decided to sit it out.

Let me tell you, your Heavenly Father is celebrating every small step you take. He’s not impatient and upset when you fall.  Even more than an earthly Father, He wants you to walk, to run, to soar. His Word is full of encouragement for you to take one step, then another, then another.

Just as earthly parents clear a path, move obstacles, shout encouragement, and hold out their hands, your Heavenly Father is doing the same for you. He wants to take your hand to secure you. God is your biggest cheerleader.

Falling is not failing.

Take a deep breath.
Give yourself some grace.
And, celebrate every small step that you take toward completing that project, or that goal, or reaching your dream.

Rather than focus on the finish line, celebrate each baby step along the way.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10a NLT

Don’t wait to run before you celebrate. 

Celebrate the baby steps!

I’m . . .
Still Believing!

1 Comment

  1. that’s a good word. Unfortunately discouragement and frustration usually keep us from getting back up again. But seeing it like this, through the eyes of a child and our reaction to their baby steps puts it in a helpful perspective. I’m so thankful God doesn’t give up on us when we fall short.

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