Essential or Nonessential

Recently, the words “essential” and “nonessential” have been circulating quite a bit, due to the pandemic and quarantine, we are currently facing.  You, or your job, have probably been placed in one of these categories.  What, exactly, does it mean for someone, or something to be labeled “essential” or “nonessential?”

Essential is defined as absolutely necessary, or extremely important, indispensable, or needed.

While nonessential is defined as not absolutely necessary, dispensable, not important, or not needed.

Perhaps you may have a job that has been deemed essential, and you have continued to work, as usual throughout the quarantine.  To all of those essential workers, may I say, “Thank you,” for continuing to show up and faithfully perform your job.  You are awesome!

But what of those, who were told that they are nonessential?  Your job is not necessary, or needed.  When someone is told that they are not important, or necessary, how does this affect them?  What do these words do to someone’s identity, or self-esteem?

Warning:  Words and labels are powerful.  Use with extreme caution.

Though the words, essential and nonessential have been highlighted during recent weeks, the battle in the mind was already there.  The desire to feel necessary, or needed is placed within the heart of every human.  Everyone wants to feel that they are essential, and yet, how often do we entertain the words in our mind that we are not important, or that we are not needed, or that we don’t matter?

“Who do you think you are?”

“You don’t belong.”

“You’re not good enough.”

“You’re not necessary.”

“You’re not needed.”

Phrases such as these are used by the enemy to make us question our identity, and our value.  If we buy into that thinking, it soon leads to depression, disillusionment, and discouragement, and we find ourselves on a path that God never intended for us.

Newsflash:  God does not create nonessential people!

You are essential.  You are needed.  You are extremely important.  You are absolutely necessary.

You have been made in God’s likeness, and created in His image.  You have been given a fingerprint that no one else has, so you can leave an imprint that no one else can.  You have been given something that the world needs, and you have a moral obligation to put yourself out there.  When God created you, He broke the mold.  There will never be another you.  However, the gifts God has placed within you are not solely for you, but rather to be shared with those around you.  Someone is waiting for you to open your gifts.

During this season of unrest, if you, or your job has been labeled “nonessential,” let me assure you that the Creator of the Universe has labeled you “essential,” and He’s simply waiting on you to show up.

You may have been quarantined by something unforeseen, but rest assured you are not unseen.  God sees you, and values you.

Never underestimate what God has placed within you.

You have potential, and you, my friend, are essential.

Still Believing!

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