If Only Our Lives Could Be Scored With Music

Have you ever caught yourself watching a movie, or a television show and found yourself anticipating what was about to happen, based solely on the music that was playing?

Before the tragedy struck, you were on the edge of your seat. You know the type. That weird, eerie, creepy music warned you that what was coming was not going to be good.

The same thing happens with upbeat, light-hearted music. You’re prepared for something funny, or something good to happen, just by listening to the music.

Remember when you were moved to tears as a full set of strings played softly over the hero or heroine, as they once again were triumphant, against all odds?

You may not remember the exact dialogue, but you remember how you were moved by that soundtrack. You were prepared for what was about to happen, simply based on the music that you heard.

In many movies, the soundtrack is so powerful, you can purchase it, aside from the movie.

Music is a powerful tool. It is so powerful that it can move you and your emotions in either a positive, or negative direction.

Music can move you to tears.
Music can move you to fear.
Music can move you to cheer. 

Life has a bad habit of bringing storms in the most inopportune times. How awesome it would be if only our lives could be scored with music.

Imagine, before something bad happens, if we could just hear some powerful, tense music. Maybe a day or so in advance, giving us a heads-up that trouble is coming. Before the bad news hits, maybe just a few bars of some imposing, gripping music.

Or, before something good happens, maybe we could hear some lively, upbeat, cheerful, music. Just before the tide begins to turn, a few measures of some promising, hope-filled songs, would be appreciated.

Alas, in real life, we may not be able to hear a full-fledged orchestra playing a soundtrack behind us, giving us a clue as to what is about to happen. But we do have the option of making our own music.

You’re not a musician?
No problem.

Discover the power of music, and find a source to fill the air around you. So many options are available now, and you have an opportunity to select the type of music that invades your space.

Many times, I have been able to shift the atmosphere around me just by the type of music I listened to. By simply, putting on some praise and worship music, it’s amazing how my perception begins to change.

You may not have a soundtrack preparing you for what is about to happen, but you can certainly create a soundtrack that will help you navigate through whatever is happening in your life.

Music may not change your situation, but music can change the way you face your situation.

Music can move your soul, your mind, and your emotions.

The Bible tells us the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3)

God inhabits, or is enthroned in our praises. And, when we begin to worship and praise, we invite God into our lives, to be a part of whatever may be happening. God wants to be a part of our lives everyday, good times or bad times.

Get your praise on.

Create your own soundtrack.

Invite God to be a part of your life every day that ends in “y.”

Yes, I’m . . .

Still Believing!

1 Comment

  1. Such a good reminder, Ray. It’s like that old Sunday School song, “Be careful little ears what you hear.” Clay and I were just talking about the power of music. Let’s turn up the “really good stuff” and drown out all the noise! 🙌

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