Living, Leading, Leaving

I wonder if October 7 will always bring a tear to my eye. Even though it’s been eight years since Vicki transitioned to her heavenly home, today still pulls strongly on my emotions. Time has certainly not healed everything, but it has provided a distance that has allowed manageability.

Today I celebrate Vicki’s life as I remember, reflect, and reminisce about the time she spent on earth, and the valuable lessons she imparted to me, and to others.

Living — It has been said, “Everyone dies, but not everyone lives.”

Vicki lived every day of her life helping others. Her mission was to do anything and everything she could to help those around her. For her, living was serving.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, Vicki wore many hats — wife, mother, school teacher, worship leader, Bible teacher, and realtor, among others. Though each of these jobs demanded different skills, the underlying thread that flowed through each was her goal to help someone else, to lift someone to a higher level, and to make a positive difference in their life. Every day was highlighted with her heart’s desire to assist those within her reach.

She often remarked that she felt her highest calling was to be a mother. She had no greater joy than being a mother to our children, Melody and Matt. Teaching and training them took precedence over all of her other jobs and duties. This was living for her. The results of those seeds are still bearing fruit. I will be forever grateful for her ability, commitment, and sacrifice to instill in each of our children a love for God and a desire to serve.

Leading — Leadership is not a position, rank, or title, but the ability to influence and demonstrate what’s possible.

Vicki was an amazing leader. Whether in the classroom, the church sanctuary, or the real estate office, she knew how to lead, and lead well. It has been said that the best leaders and teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see. Vicki was one of the best, and had an inherent ability to do just that.

I have come to realize that the best leaders are first of all followers — followers of Christ. 

Vicki’s commitment to follow Christ began at a very young age, and she never strayed. Through the good, the bad, the ups and downs, one thing I could count on was Vicki’s dedication to Christ. I never had to wonder, or second-guess whether she had prayed before making a decision. Her leadership skills were exceptional, and Christ was always at the center, regardless of the circumstances. She was a great leader because she was a great follower of Christ.

Leaving — Transferring from one location to another.

Once Vicki had a glimpse of her destination, her departure was not hard for her. She gently slipped from this life to her new life, and her new home without a struggle. 

For a Believer, the hard part is for those left behind. Though we understand that Heaven was waiting for her, the human heart grieves her absence on earth. It just seemed too soon. It still seems too soon.

It’s more important what we leave than what we bring.

There’s no denying the fact that Vicki brought a lot to the table. Her talents, abilities, and gifts were superior, and she set the bar very high. Yet, with all those things she brought, the most important things are what she left.

A few of those things included:
Life-lessons to her family, her students, her friends, and all who knew her.
The strength of her faith that never wavered, even in the most difficult times.
The seeds of God’s Word that she carefully planted in Melody and Matt that created a sure foundation.
The Godly example of a life that truly trusted the unshakeable hand of God that she clearly exhibited to all who knew her.

Those things that Vicki brought pale in comparison to those that she left. 

I, and many others, live in a world that was changed for the better because Vicki lived. Though she may be gone from earth, many are still reaping a bountiful harvest of having known her, having learned from her, and having shared in her life. She never had a social media platform with a million followers, yet countless numbers of people are still blessed today with memories of those times they spent with Vicki.

People may forget what Vicki said.
People may forget what Vicki did.
But there are many, many people who will never forget how Vicki made them feel.

Tears and time help fill the space, but missing someone’s presence is never erased.

Still Believing!


  1. Praying for you today as you reflect on the legacy Vicki left behind.
    She was my friend and confidant, teacher and pastor (as she led by your side). I’d shared details of my life with her that no one else knew and she never judged me… she listened, loved me, prayed with and for me, and gave godly counsel. I still carry with me the gems she taught on how to lead others into true worship and have shared those things whenever I’ve been given the opportunity. She was funny and wise. She heard the voice of God and was gifted at leading others into His presence.
    I think of her often…and I thank God upon every remembrance of her.

  2. Vicki was an amazing woman, friend and mentor. I still use many of her references today. She had such a great wisdom and shared it with all she met. Prayers for you all 💜

  3. “He will wipe every tear ftom their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Re v. 21:4
    Watching and waiting for that wonderful day!!!! Sharing your sadness and our blessed hope!!! 🌾🙌🌾

  4. I wish I would have known my sister in Christ, because I know we would have been good friends. I am praying for you today, as I know it is still hard to not have her home with you. What a beautiful legacy she left behind.

  5. I will always love her, miss her, and think of her often. One of the dearest and most loyal friends I’ve ever known. I can only imagine the void in the lives of her family. She was one in a million. Her legacy lives on in all your lives.

  6. Oh my Goodness… this touched the VERY DEPTH OF MY SOUL!!! I know I already knew most of the story BUT … that took me over the top and then some.
    My heart goes out to you and your family!! Bless you for taking this step forward to help others!! I know.. I know how hard it is to list your head up and smile and be there for others letting them know it’s going to be OK when your insides are screaming!
    So I greatly respect and admire what you are doing and praying that God is keeping you safely tucked inside of HIS bosom.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement.
    Sylvia 🌹

  7. This is powerful and very insightful of what you went through. I pray for you and your family that you guys have healed from this. In the meantime thank you for sharing with us at this time.

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