The Waiting Room

We’ve all been there at one time or another.

We have scheduled an appointment at a medical facility, and upon our arrival we are directed to a “waiting room.” It’s actually quite fitting that it’s called a “waiting room,” for that is precisely what it is — a room where you wait.

Arriving 15 minutes before our scheduled appointment as instructed, most often, we wait, and wait, and wait. Then we wait some more as our scheduled appointment time passes, but not to worry, it’s all good, we are in a “waiting room.”

A waiting room is never a fun place to be. No one enjoys waiting for anything. Seeing those called back first who arrived after us can be very frustrating. Heightened tension, stress, and anxiety are often created in the confines of a waiting room, as we await the unknown.

Admittedly, patience is not my strongest virtue. However, I have learned in the past few months how important this virtue is. And although I have not been granted a completion certificate in patience, I feel that I have advanced far from where I was a few years ago.

The uncertainties of life often call us to a waiting room. Maybe not in the physical sense of a room, but a waiting season. We have prayed for a specific answer to a problem we are facing, and seemingly God is silent. We have waited for some length of time, and tried our best to be patient, but time without an answer fuels impatience.

Numerous times in the Bible we find the Psalmist asking God, “How long?” In my own life, I have found myself asking this same question many times. But each time I ask, the silence remains. 

One of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever faced is releasing my calendar to God. Handing my calendar to God and admitting that He is God and I’m not, was not an easy assignment.

As with many humans, for years I wanted to be the Captain, and I wanted God to be the First Mate. When I finally reversed this order, and allowed Him to be the Captain, patience came much easier.

God’s timing will seldom be our timing, but His timing will always be the best for us. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways. Sometimes in our waiting we find our worth.

In a world that has little patience, how do we find patience when the heavens appear to be closed? How do we maintain our trust in God if He’s not talking to us?

One of the strongest ways I’ve found is to look to His Word. It’s amazing what can be found when you take some time and read His Word. And, yes, His Word still speaks today.

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalm 27:14

Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

If you’re not currently in a waiting room, you can be certain, at some point, you will find yourself there. When you do, and you feel that God has forgotten you, rest assured that He has not forgotten you, and He loves you more than you can even understand. You are special to God, His design and His delight. You are a remarkable one-of-a-kind creation that He sees and rejoices over daily. He will not forsake or abandon you.

Stay strong!

Your answer’s coming!

Still Believing!


  1. I’ve been reading Job lately. When all was lost, he kept waiting for an answer to why this was happening to him. At times, he declared God was unjust and he declared himself as watchful of all the things God requires. His friends declared him to be evil for not owning up to his sins. They told him how unwise he was for stubbornly sticking to his story.

    In light of Job’s waiting season, I find that my waiting room experience has not been as disheartening as his. I’m not covered in boils with worms. I’m not hounded by well-meaning friends demanding that I own up to hidden sins. My children are still living and I have no spouse telling me to curse God and die.

    So even in the waiting, I realize I have much to be thankful for. And when I’m tempted to be discontent, there’s Proverbs 21:23. “Keep your mouth closed and you’ll stay out of trouble.” (That’s easier said than done!) Here’s to waiting silently with a grateful heart for what is coming!
    Thank you for sharing your journey and inspiration. Like you, I’m still believing!

  2. Thank you,Ray! A mighty word from God from you, to a struggling believer, currently in the “waiting room”, but “ still believing”!! God bless you and your life.

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