When You Don’t Get What You Wanted

Remember that year when you wanted one special thing for Christmas? One thing was all you wanted. Not a list of things. Not a bunch of things. But just that one special thing.

As Christmas Day got closer and closer, the excitement and anticipation grew stronger and stronger. You felt sure you would get that one thing, because that’s all you asked for.

The day finally arrives. Everyone in their Christmas pajamas gathers joyfully around the festively decorated tree. Someone is designated to pass out each package, carefully concealed by brightly colored Christmas bows and paper.

The expectation is growing!
This is it!
What I’ve always wanted!

And then, ripping the paper off and tearing open the package, suddenly, you realize you didn’t get what you wanted. But the cameras are rolling and all eyes are on you, so you put on your game face and, with everything in you, force a smile and say, “Oh! That’s so nice. Thank you.”

We have all had those occasions when we didn’t get that gift we wanted.

Life is kind of like that.

We don’t always get what we want. And if you are a praying person, you don’t always get what you pray for. Even when you say all the right prayers and do all the right things, there are times when you don’t get what you want.

Many of you are familiar with my story. I remember so clearly praying, fasting, standing on God’s Word, and believing with Vicki for her healing. Vicki had done everything she knew to do. I had done everything I knew to do. But I didn’t get what I wanted.

What happened, God?
Where were You?
When I needed You the most, I found You the least.

Living through several seasons of life, more times than I can count, I’ve been disappointed.

Disappointments are as sure as life itself. From an early age we learn that there are times when it doesn’t matter how hard we kick or how loud we scream, sometimes we don’t get what we want, and we are disappointed.

When Jesus was crucified the disciples remarked, “We had hoped that He was the one who was going to redeem Israel.” (Luke 24:21) Hoping that He was going to be their king and save them, but they didn’t get what they wanted.

As this year is winding down and the holidays are approaching, maybe you’re dealing with some disappointments because of what did or did not happen this year.

The lights are just not shining as brightly as before. The bells are not ringing as clearly. The decorations are just not as colorful as previous years. The glitz and glitter are just not working. Possibly, there’s going to be an empty chair at your celebration this year.

For many, “the most wonderful time of the year” becomes “the saddest time of the year.”

Memories of days gone by can reignite disappointments you have tried to hide.

Perhaps the pain of the past is causing you to miss the pleasure of the present.

Don’t allow disappointment, depression, or discouragement steal the gift God has for you this season. He loves you immeasurably more than you can ever imagine, and the greatest gift you can receive this year will not be found in presents, but rather in His presence.

God so loved the world that He gave . . . (John 3:16

By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights . . . (James 1:17)

Even if you didn’t get what you wanted, don’t stop.
God has not forgotten you, and as long as you have a pulse, you have a purpose.
The true joy of Christmas can only be found in the One whose birth we celebrate.

Still Believing!


  1. Absolutely love this ! That’s exactly how I felt with my husband and his healing and I’ve been so angry ever since. I’m trying to overcome it and I know in time I will. But thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  2. What a GREAT Analogy of how we think, and what we go through in different forms.
    I have to think back to my life and wade through some of the disappointments in my life. realizing that in the end that the perfect present is waiting for me if I keep doing what God wants me to do. I have made wrong decisions is why I got the gift that I got but in the end if I keep doing what I’m doing the blessings will be there.
    I have been prophesied over that my future is going to be greater than my beginning would’ve been. God never fails with his promises. So this blog really ministered to me and jolted me to my senses letting me know that I still have that promise that God gave me as a young 17-year-old girl. I’ve just gotta keep my mind and my eyes on the prize that I will receive.

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